
Apprenticeship and dual study program

Training and study at BENZ Tooling

Whether you are interested in an apprenticeship in the technical or commercial field or in a dual study program – BENZ Tooling offers many opportunities to start your career and your personal development.

But let's hear from our apprentices themselves. Take a look at our video!

Because theory and practice go together

During your training, we ensure that theory and practice are combined optimally. 

With us, you will have the opportunity to take on responsible and complex tasks at an early stage and receive intensive support from your colleagues. After your apprenticeship or dual study program, you will have access to further training opportunities and excellent future prospects.

If you scroll down a bit, we will explain the different apprenticeships and dual study programs in more detail.

Open training positions

Ausbildung Mechatroniker (m/w/d) ab 2025 Location: Haslach i.K. | Division: Ausbildung & Studium
Aufgaben mit Verantwortung
  • Du baust elektrische Steuerungen und fertigst mechanische Teile
  • Du baust aus mechanischen, elektrischen und pneumatischen Bestandteilen
    komplexe mechatronische Systeme
  • Du verdrahtest und verschlauchst Aggregate nach elektrischen und pneumatischen
  • Du installierst und programmierst Software
  • Du hältst mechatronische Systeme instand und führst Fehlersuchen durch 
  • Du nimmst Aggregate in Betrieb und machst Sicherheitsprüfungen
  • Die Ausbildung findet als Verbundausbildung statt und du absolvierst deine Ausbildung bei BENZ und teilweise bei unserem Mutterkonzern HOMAG am Standort Schopfloch
  • Ihre Eigenschaften
  • Mindestens mittlerer Bildungsabschluss
  • gute Leistungen in Mathe, Physik, Technik
  • gutes technisches Verständnis
  • Engagement und Eigeninitiative
  • Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit
  • Ihre Kontaktperson

    Katharina Jehle
    +49 7832 704-8515


    Ausbildung Industriemechaniker (m/w/d) ab 2025 Location: Haslach i.K. | Division: Ausbildung & Studium
    Inhalte der Ausbildung
    • Vermittlung von Grundkenntnissen der Metallverarbeitung 
    • Einblicke in die Fachabteilungen wie Werkzeugausgabe, Dreherei, Fräserei, Schleiferei und Montage 

    Worauf kommt es an?
    • Mindestens einen guten Hauptschulabschluss
    • Gute Leistungen in Mathe, Physik und Technik
    • Gutes technisches Verständnis und handwerkliches Geschick
    Ihre Kontaktperson

    Katharina Jehle
    +49 7832 704-8515


    Our Apprenticeships

    Click on "read more" for more details

    Mechatronics Technician (m/f/d)

    Do you have craftsmanship, work accurately and enjoy building complex systems from mechanical and electrical assemblies? Then become the "maestro of machines" with this apprenticeship.

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    Industrial mechanic (m/f/d)

    Do you like to work with your hands and want to see what you have achieved in the end? Then become a technical specialist and keep our production running.

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    Specialist for warehouse logistics (m/f/d)

    You like to organize and structured work is exactly your passion? Then get started with an apprenticeship as a warehouse logistics specialist.

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    Technical product designer (m/f/d)

    Do you like to be creative and enjoy designing drawings with modern computer programs? Develop ideas, visualize concepts and bring products to life.

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    Industrial clerk (m/f/d)

    Do you have a wide range of interests and enjoy trying out new things? Become part of a dynamic team, manage business processes and take on creative tasks.

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    Dual study program – Mechatronics (m/f/d)

    Are you interested in a wide range of multidisciplinary technical subjects and want to combine this with your career? Then start your dual studies now – specializing in mechatronics – and become a genius in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science.

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    Dual study program – Mechanical engineering (m/f/d)

    Would you like to bring your technical passion and creativity to the world of work? Then start your dual studies – specializing in mechanical engineering. Become a machine pro and contribute to the development and design of our innovative products.

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    Industrial clerk with additional qualification (m/f/d)

    Are you interested in languages and would like to use your talent as an all-rounder in the administration sector? Then an apprenticeship with an additional qualification in international business management is just the right thing for you!

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    Dual study program – Industrial Engineering (m/f/d)

    Take your chance for the future! With the dual study program in industrial engineering, you will gain comprehensive knowledge in the fields of business administration and technology and be perfectly prepared for the future.

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    Are you interested in an internship at BENZ Tooling?

    Then why not take a look for yourself!

    We offer various internships. This will allow you to get to know the departments that you would also go through during your apprenticeship at BENZ. Besides you get an idea about what it's like to work at BENZ Tooling.